Protocol and Diplomacy International - Protocol Officers Association
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Webinar: Practical Tips and the Value of Leveraging Partnerships and Networks
Monday, January 27, 2025, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM EST
Category: Events

January Webinar: Practical Tips and the Value of Leveraging Partnerships and Networks

As protocol and diplomacy professionals, we know first-hand the value of establishing and cultivating strong relationships; but the same may be said for Partnerships. And while many organizations would agree that partnerships can be beneficial, developing partnerships can be time-consuming, resource-intensive and involve difficult choices on services they offer and collaboration in general. During this “Ask the Experts” session you will learn from three experts on the “The Value and Leveraging Partnerships, in Protocol and Diplomacy.”

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Honourable Patricia Kenneth-Divine—Founder, International Centre for Protocol & Diplomacy, UK;  Dr. Nikoletta Hosso, PhD—President, Association of International Protocol Professionals, and Founding Member of World Protocol Organisation, Hungary; and Thomas Sladko, MA, Mag.phil., Consultant in Communications, Protocol and Soft Diplomacy, ISPD+ Innovation in Diplomacy, Oman will address:

  • Why partnerships are important. 
  • How to establish and develop meaningful partnerships that add value to your existing work.
  • Tips on ways to organize to avoid competition and duplication of efforts.
  • What to look for in a partner, how to find them and deciding to partner.
  • Evidence of the benefits of partnership working.


Educational Webinars

Education of protocol professionals is an integral part of the mission of PDI-POA. Webinars are part of our expanding professional development and member engagement opportunities. They include educational presentations by featured speakers, along with a forum for viewers to ask questions of leading experts of protocol and diplomacy. To promote the instructional environment of the webinar, audio and video interaction for attendees is disabled, with interaction happening through the chat and Q&A functions of the Zoom Webinar platform.

Webinars are open at no additional charge to members of PDI-POA as a benefit of membership. Non-members are invited to attend as well; the non-member registration fee is $50 per person.

Each webinar session will be recorded and made available to PDI-POA members through the members-only Video Library. For non-member registrants, the recording will be available for 30 days after the session via a password-protected link that will be shared after the conclusion of the webinar.


Contact: [email protected]